The “Why’s” of Online Dating

Sometimes I wonder if technology actually helps us or dwarfs us.  I guess it depends on the situation;  if you want a brand new pair of shoes at 3 a.m. (HELPS), if you are trying to “hook-up” without actually having to talk to someone (DWARF).  For those of us (myself included) whom have had the pleasures of dating online… sarcasm at its best, here are a few “WHY’s” and a “MUTHAF*CKA PLEASE” when it comes to Online Dating.


  • WHY do people post old pics of themselves?  I’m not talking about last June old, I am talking about 30 pounds, 2 kids and a full head of hair old.  Now if Online Dating is just a source of entertainment I get it.  (p.s. if that is your entertainment you need to get a damn life).  But, when you are actually going to meet the person, that is bonkers.  Don’t you think someone is going to notice you look like your own parent or evil step-sibling?  There is someone out there for everyone; so what you are short, so what you are ugly, so what……….. hey maybe I am getting why they use old pictures.  If I was chatting with someone and we decided to get together, and they misrepresented themselves… Ohh, before I walked out the date laughing hysterically I would probably cuss them out.  When I say “I look like Beyoncé and Tyra” I mean it dammit…. 🙂
  • WHY are most of the people married or in a relationship?  And further more, why the hell aren’t their partners browsing random website ( and looking for them.  Hey I am not saying don’t trust your partner, but I will say this… You know damn well if your partner has the wandering eye (or thumb in this matter) so act accordingly.  The smartest thing to do would be to LEAVE… there are a surprising number of idiotic women in this world that need PROOF.  Well go find it, because I am tired of getting calls from guys wife at 2 am asking “How you know my husband?” and when I respond “I f*cked him” they get mad…  geesh!
  • WHY does everyone make $100,000 +, but no one has a paid subscription?  This is along with the old/fake pictures.  Forgive me if I sound Gold Diggers-ish, but, If you picked me solely on my Breast Size it is ok that I picked you because of your Bank Account.  One devious decision doesn’t out-trump the next, but it does make it ok. 
  • WHY do people from the other side of the country hit you up with “let me see a picture?”  There are a ton of free pics on the web to beat off too, mine isn’t going to be one… KICK ROCKS.
  • MUTHAF*CKA PLEASE if you think our first date is going to be at your house “making it a blockbuster night”.  Ladies stay tuned, there will be much more to come from this.  I watch too much Criminal Minds to know better, and have been dating too long to know what that leads too. 


All in all, Online Dating isn’t that bad.  It can actually be fun.  You just have to know what you want out of it and what to expect.  If you are looking for love don’t go to (faux site, stop clicking on it pervs).  If all you want is a good time BE HONEST.  Your honesty wont change the world, but adding to a vast pool of liars isn’t worth your integrity.



2 Responses to The “Why’s” of Online Dating

  1. mindybeaver says:

    I hear your pain Sugarwolf.

    I have some more ‘whys’ to add to your list, since I am too dabbling in the art of internet dating.

    Why do the guys I contact block me straight away and the ones I don’t want constantly send communication?

    Why do some boys send witty emails for a few days/weeks, then vanish into thin air?

    Why does anyone think it is ok to post a picture of them with a supermodel? Or playing dress ups? Or in the bedroom with a webcam? Or with an ex? Or with an ex who’s face has been scratched out?

    Why have I got a match from a guy called Sarah?

    And why oh why am I still paying for this service? Because I’m a hopeless romantic / unlucky loser / savvy shopper / still single.
    Oh. All of the above.

  2. Sinny776 says:

    WHY is it that crocman found it ok to “dress down” from his traditional geek squad get up for our “date.” And WHY did he think it was ok for his fat a$$ to tell me to try px90 to lose weight? and why did he have matching brown crocs for his faded and extremely wrinkled outfit?

    breathe…i just relived that horrible date all over again. lmao

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