First Date – Do’s and Don’ts

Awww the butterflies in your stomach, the 2 hours of prepping and the thirsty girlfriends awaiting all the details.  The joy’s of a first date.  There are NO surefire ways to secure an enjoyable time (this is where chemistry comes into play).  Maybe… just maybe these Do’s and Don’ts can improve your odds…

DO – Dress Sexy.  Before I continue, this rule only applies to women…. Men just dress nice and smell good ( no man bags or horrible flea market jewelry… seriously that is douchebag material).  Yeah you want him to love your mind and all that, but he needs to like the outside first.  Dressing sexy gives you a leg up on the date…. take his breath away, but don’t be a slut.  Save the slutty attire for the third date (and no coffee after a dinner and a movie isn’t a third date).  We have boobs for a reason, push them up and show them.  Believe me when I say this, no matter where you go there is going to be some woman with her tits out…. don’t let her outshine you.  Turtlenecks are for the snow, not a first date.  Get that Deep-V top (if you don’t have one MAKE one) and strut your stuff.  If you have nice legs, show them.  If you don’t… HIDE THEM!!!!!  A part of dressing sexy is playing up your assets. 

DON’T – Wear clothes that don’t fit.  Seriously, being stuffed like a polish sausage isn’t exactly appealing.  Just cause your janky girlfriends lied and said “girl you look good” DON’T BELIEVE THEM.  It is a trap, them thirsty broads setting you up.  A too tight shirt creates muffin top; too tight pants creates camel toe, and that just aint the lick.  Turning blue in the face from sucking in your gut all night may not be the best idea. 

DO –  Compliment each other.  Even if you have to lie! 

DON’T –  Have a bad attitude.  I don’t care how pretty or handsome you are, a bad attitude makes you look ugly.  No one owes you anything so act like you are appreciative.  Men, buying dinner doesn’t mean we owe you anything either….

DO – Smile!  A nice smile at the right time (not when he is telling you about his great aunt’s bunion surgery) is warming.  It is the easiest way to brighten your face.

DON’T – Forget your wallet.  Women and Men.  That is the lamest trick in the book, and will get you cussed out if you try it with me.  Ladies, have enough money in your purse to get home….. otherwise you might be stuck!

DO – Brush up on your current affairs.  There should be a good blend of personal info and world news on a first date.  Otherwise you might be forced to talk about what you did at Bandcamp….

DON’T – Talk about your ex!  Such a buzz killer…. It also gives a sense of your maturity.  If the question comes up, be polite and say positive things.  Bad mouthing your ex makes you seem bitter.  Then switch the subject as soon as possible.  Somethings just aren’t a “first dates” business, like why you had to bust Ray Rays windows out for sleeping with your good girlfriend.

DO – Have a sense of humor.  Job interviews are serious, there are no fringe benefits from dating you so lighten up!  Laughing is healthy and burns calories… Anything I can do besides going to the gym, I do! 

DON’T –  Get picked up!  There are a lot of crazy people in the world.  One less crazy person knowing where you live helps you out in the long run.  Also, if the guy or girl is a complete nutcase it is an easy exit. 

DO – Have fun.  Even if the other person isn’t.  Your time is precious and never forget that!

DON’T – Be on your phone.  Seriously, that tweet, text, email, IM or phone call can wait.  That is seriously the rudest thing to do on a date.  If President Obama can take his wife out for dates still, you can put down that damn phone. 

DO – Get to know the person over the phone BEFORE you go on a date.  There are some surprises that are great for a first date, but someones level of sanity isn’t one of them.

DON’T – Never ever evaaaaaaa let the first date be a “Blockbuster” night.  I understand we are in a recession, truely I do.  That is when you get creative.  The first date sets the precedence for the rest of the relationship, and if there is no first date there will never be any others!

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